Brimstone (
Gonepteryx rhamnii)
There are hundreds of Brimstone butterflies flitting around Clonbur Wood, North Co. Galway, at the moment, along with Holly Blue, Peacock and Tortoiseshells. I took a walk there yesterday in glorious spring sunshine. Clonbur Wood is a
Life Nature Project aimed at restoring priority woodland and habitat. The woodland is mixed with Sitka Spruce, Norway Spruce, Scots Pine, Ash, Beech, Yew, Birch and Oak. The walk takes you through majestic woodland, crosses the Clonbur river along the way, then onto the south shore of Lough Mask. It also includes an area of limestone paving. The variety of wildlife I saw along the way was amazing: Jay, Merlin, Raven, Chiffchaff, Wren, Mallard, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Red Squirrel, Fox, flowering Wood Anemone and Dog Violet to name a few. I also saw signs of Otter, Pine Marten and an active Badger set. The mixed woodland, river, lakeshore and limestone habitat make this a pretty unique location.